
21 National Congress of Bulgarian Society of Anaesthesiologists

In the period 03-06.10.2019 in the town of Nessebar, Hotel “Sol Nessebar Resort” will be held the 21st National Congress of the Society of Anesthesiologists in Bulgaria. The Congress is organized with the support of the Bulgarian Society of Parental and Enteral Nutrition, the Military Medical Academy and the Bulgarian Association for Pain Research and Treatment. Lecturers from Bulgaria and abroad are invited. “Medlon” EOOD will take part in the Medical Exhibition of Congress for another consecutive year.


29th Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons

“Medilon”EOOD will participate in the forthcoming 29th Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, which will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, in the period 6 – 8 September 2019.
In addition to the indisputable scientific worth of the Congress, one of the most valuable characteristic of such a get-together of brilliant and passionate minds is the opportunity to share knowledge, experience, practices and the latest insights of the academic research. The Congress attracts the world leading specialists in the field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery


Project “Central sterilization department”

In 2012 “Medilon” EOOD completed the project for the construction and provision of equipment for the Central Sterilization Department at Lozenets University Hospital.

The project implementation is in line with the European requirements for hospital hygiene and standards for spatial separation of functional areas: the reception and decontamination/disinfection of non-sterile devices area; the packing and preparation of materials area; the sterilization area and the area for storage and dispensing of sterile materials.

Each of the areas is equipped with modern equipment and furniture, which allow for a highly efficient workflow in the Central Sterilization Department: ultrasonic cleaning baths; washing-disinfecting machines for instruments, trolleys and hospital furniture; packing tables and accessories; steam sterilizers, low-temperature sterilizers with hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid.

The effective organization of the entire process of disinfection and sterilization and the high-tech equipment in the department assures daily processing of large numbers of sterile units and the successful prevention and control of nosocomial infections.


PHARE Project

In 2007 “Medilon” EOOD was granted an award to perform contracts under project PHARE BG 2004/016-919.01.01 “Restructuring of pilot multi-profiled hospitals and development of emergency medical care in order improvement of the access to the healthcare of vulnerable groups with special focus to the Roma population”.

The multi-profiled hospitals MHAT „Hristo Botev” AD – Vratsa and MHAT „Dr. Bratan Shukerov” AD – Smolyan received transport incubators, anaesthesia machines, portable and transport ventilators and training manikins.

In an official ceremony The Ministry of MLSP awarded “Medilon” EOOD with a certificate for the fulfillment of the project.

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The XVI National Congress on Surgery will be held by the Bulgarian Surgery Sosciety from 04 – 07 October 2018 in Golden Sands Resort. “Medilon” EOOD will be participating in the medical exhibition.


Neonatology Scientific Meeting


Our company will have an exhibition booth at the Neonatology Scientific Meeting with topic “Infection Pathology of the newborns”, that will be held from 12 – 14 October 2018 in Tryavna.




The National Conference for the Treatment of Pain will be held in Hissarya in June 2018 by the Bulgarian Association for Study and Treatment of Pain, endorced by Bulgarian Society of Anaesthesiology and EFIC, European Federation of Pain. “Medilon” EOOD will be presented in the medical exhibition.

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